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Fiber Optics

iSenseCloud's family of fiber optic (FO) sensors are part of a bio-inspired structural “nervous” sensory (SNS) platform for next generation structural health monitoring and management applications. iSC sensors are multifunctional sensors that can be used for simultaneous measurements of temperture, strain, vibration, pressure, and acoustic emission. The FO sensors are classified into internal and external sensory types. FBG-based acoustic emission (FOAE) sensors, called iCeptors, are examples of internal sensors due to their capability to register damage signals and events in real-time, and FBG strain, temperature, vibration, and pressure sensors are examples of external sensors, called eCeptors, due to their environmental parameter sensing capability. For effective structural health monitoring and management, both external and internal sensory types are needed to provide immediate warning signals and long-term monitoring and prognostic capabilities.

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